490 VW Breakdown Truck

Regular price £75.00

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This is a scarce item as it has cast wheels rather than the usual shaped variety. It is likely to be a late issue when most of these were produced as white with stickers and in the Gift Sets 6 and 25.

It is correct without door stickers but there should be a chevron sticker at the rear.  The small hook is a replacement. I shall obtain the chevron sticker in due course which I may have to make myself as no-one seems to make them. In the meantime, however, it is for sale as it stands.

The beige paintwork is original but worn here and there. The interior is complete as is the content of the rear section. The tool box lid opens and closes nicely and it has the spare tyres - two different types as were provided in late Gift Sets.

The windows and suspension are all good.

A hard-to-find model.