248 Chevrolet Impala with cast wheels

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The second issue of the Chevrolet Impala saloon was short-lived and these can be hard to find now. Even scarcer is the late edition which has cast wheels.

This is an all original example but it does show signs of being played with. The paintwork has survived reasonably well, just chipped or worn in the usual places, corners and roof, as you'll see in the photos. The chrome has come off quite a lot too.

The windows are good, without any scratches and there is just one vertical crack in the rear screen.

The cast wheels are not at all easy to clean and brighten up. I guess there will be a compound that someone knows about to clean them but i have yet to discover it. The wheels are all good, though, not damaged and the suspension is sound all round. Like all these models it is very springy. The wheels have four original tyres of the correct branded type.