219 Plymouth Suburban Station Wagon (grey base) + original box

Regular price £100.00

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This is the first of three big American Estate cars, or Station Wagons as they would call them. None are that common now which is a bit surprising as they seem the sort of model that most of us would have loved to own in the 1960s.

It is a bit boring, I suppose, as it does nothing and this doesn’t even have suspension but it does have a delightfully clean interior, clear windows and nice wheels and tyres.

This is in superb condition and looks as good as new. This one has the flat fixed hubs. It also has a superb original box which is crisp and firm and with a pencilled price on one flap. It is complete with all the flaps and a correct membership slip for this era of production.

A marvellous example of the earlyish Corgi Toy days.